Kennedy High School Courtyard Project


The Kennedy High School Courtyard Project will redesign and relandscape the courtyard into a multi-purpose (environmental education being primary use), sustainable (water, soil, vegetation), intentional habitat (native vegetation), and nature rich space.

Will improve water quality, stormwater management, biodiversity, and pollinator and bird habitat, as well as be a source of sustainability and environmental learning, experiences, and awareness for Kennedy students and community members. This project reflects the continuing efforts of students, teachers, administrators, and community members to create a sustainable, healthy, and nature rich school and learning environment. A key driver of these efforts is the teacher supported and student run Green Club. As with the tree planting, Bloomington Neighbors Nurturing Nature 501(c)3 (BNNN) will be a project partner.

Student and Staff Survey Responses

MN Biology Class Students’ Concept Designs

Courtyard Concept Design