Forest Glen Park Invasives Removal & Native Vegetation Restoration
Restore Forest Glen Park into a refuse free, healthy and naturally functioning ecosystem in support of the only Trout Stream (Ike’s Creek) in Hennepin Co. that begins as a natural spring in the park, within sight of the Mall of America (See Figure #1). Also support the restorations being done to Ike’s Creek by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge.
Buckthorn removal began by volunteers in 2022. City of Bloomington’s Assistant Director, Parks & Natural Resources, has been involved from the start. Recently added to the Adopt-A-Park program. Coordination also ongoing with MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge and their Wildlife Biologist.
Volunteers removed invasive & over-populated vegetation in Phase 1 area.
City has treated the volunteer cut buckthorn stumps with herbicide.
Plant and seed native grasses/forbs in Phase 1 area after invasives removed.
Move to Phase 2 and then Phase 3 areas to accomplish same as Phase 1.
Ensure appropriate maintenance of Phase 1 area as a south facing Oak Savana hillside with a shady buffer immediately north of Ike’s Creek and Phase 2 & 3 areas as oak openings and barrens biome.